2 Companies found that match your criteria. Buyers, Importers, Distributors of mungbean Showing results from 1 to 2. |
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Company - Description |
 | Mabco Group We are a leading food grain producer, trader, exporter and importer of North Bengal having our base office at Naogaon. The management of Mabco Group & its associate companies has gathered valuable experience in all kind of foods grains & fertilizer p... We are regularly Buying: paddy, rice, wheat, sugar, lentil, oil seed, mungbean. Member since 1 July, 2009, Bangladesh - Dhaka | | | No Logo | Chetha Um My professional is buyig&selling agriculture product but almost locally operated. Some product like tumeric rhizome I need to sell to outside country. We are regularly Buying: turmericrhizome, paddy, banana, pumpkin, soybean, corn, ginger, mungbean, tokay gecko. Member since 5 July, 2011, Cambodia - Kampong Chhnang | Primary Business Type(s): Distributor / Wholesaler Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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