3 Companies found that match your criteria. Buyers, Importers, Distributors of petrolium products Showing results from 1 to 3. |
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Company - Description |
No Logo | Global Resources Direct We are a mandate for petroleum sales from Venezuela to the US. My business partner is currently on the ground in Venezuela. Should you need to get Petroleum at a reasonable discount do not hesitate to contact me. Please only buyers, mandate or direct... We are regularly Buying: petrolium, diamonds, gasolin, energy, gold, diesel, petrolium products, rough diamonds, polished diamonds. Member since 20 February, 2011, US - New Jersey | | | No Logo | Goharfam Goharfam company by more than 21 years experinecre in paint industry, could reach the highest technology in the country, and right now we are searching for new partners in other countries to export our products. Our products are consuming in huge... We are regularly Buying: resins, pigments, petrolium products. Member since 8 November, 2010, Iran - Tehran | Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Greenways Group We are government licened business holding proficiansy expert level of insurance, finance, leasing brokering and all type of comodity brokering, dealing with macinery equipments and food&beverage items. We are regularly Buying: foodbeverage, comodity, machinery, banking instrument, used machinery equipments, petrolium products. Member since 7 September, 2010, Moldova - Chisinau | Primary Business Type(s): Trading Company Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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