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Company - Description |
| Niayes10 Family-run business, expanding towards food preservation and self-sufficiency, the development of water distribution and irrigation systems, particular interest to act as a representative in the drilling of deep wells and the exploitation of so... We are regularly Buying: agricultural equipment, broiler and layer chicks, construction material, diy tools, farm products, hatching eggs, horticultural equipment, poultry equipment, seeds and plants. Member since 30 January, 2010, Senegal - Dakar | | | No Logo | Nikunj Equipments Pvt Ltd POULTRY PROJECT CONSULTANTS
We are regularly Buying: cages, feed pan, nipple drinking, fans, cooling pads, poultry equipments, egg graders, manure fermentation, prefabricated buildings. Member since 31 August, 2010, India - Maharashtra | | | | | | | Related Site Sections: