Shenzhen HeFa Handbags Factory was established in March 1993 and is a large-scale handbag manufacturer. By adjoining beautiful China South City, Pinghu in Shenzhen which is called “International Materials City”, the company has an easy access. Our company owns advanced manufacturing equipment, a team of 500 specialized technicians, and a total area of workshop buildings of 8,000 square meters with complete facilities and nice environment.
HeFa is specialized in handbag manufacture integrating Design, development, manufacture and sale. Since its foundation, the company is dedicated to the development and Manufacture of leatherware and nylon handbags, including leather goods, computer bags, portfolio, backpacks, wallets and PVC handbags. The factory establishes Design R&D Department, as well as many large-sized production lines as Procurement Division, material division, computer Workshops, and Induction voltage division.
We are regularly Selling: laptop bags, backpacks, handbags, wallets, trolly bags, travel bags, pvc bags, shopping bags, ice bags. We are regularly Buying: pvc, pu, nylon, polyester fiber, canvas, denim, jute, cotton, silk. |