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Bleu Medical |
Since the last mid-century, the acupuncture point_ AP, of systematized localization, is stimulated both by the classical acupuncture needle_ Acupuncture, by a liquid drug_ Mesopuncture. At the same time, was proposed a western mode of drug administration by creation of multiples drug micro-deposits of random dermis localization, the Mesotherapy Points_ MPs. APs and MPs are very adjacent, the same needle inserted at the same point can be used to inject the same liquid drug into. All liquid drug injected into a skin point for treatment of an altered body part reaches twice the altered zone, directly and through the bloodstream. The BMN, we manufacture, fine needle surmounted by resilient polymer reservoir for extemporaneous storage/restitution of various injectable, is used for performing at the same session Acupuncture Mesotherapy Mesopuncture. The BMN is the only hypodermic acupuncture needle used for treatment of the Trigger Points, through dry&wet needling without controversy. We are regularly Selling: a unic needle for 3 uses :mesotherapy acupuncture mesopuncture. |
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Contact Person: |
Daniela Bleu |
Job Title: |
Delegated |
Location: |
France - Languedoc-Roussillon Companies from France Trade Leads from France Products from France |
Classification(s): | Health & Beauty - Adult Products Health & Beauty - Medical Supplies Health & Beauty - Weight Loss |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Manufacturer More Manufacturers... Distributor / Wholesaler More Distributors / Wholesalers... |
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