Rahman Sports Wear commenced business in the year 1998 as a Manufacturer/Supplier of Grey Knit Fabrics. The company started manufacturing & exporting Basic Knit Wears to Europe and other countries since 2007.
The Inhouse Knitting facility, with it's 25 brand new Taiwan origin Circular Knitting machines operating round the clock, is able to produce upto 6,000 Kgs of grey fabrics of various types. On the other hand, our 100% export oriented sewing facility, consisting of four production lines of Japan origin sewing machines, is capable of producing around 12,000 Pcs of high quality Basic Knit Wears per day (8AM to 5PM). Most of our buyers are EU based, namely - Blue Max Group, UK; Provera Non Alimentaire, France; Euro Group, Germany. Besides these main customers, we also supply Basic Tshirts to Japan & Korea.
As a 100% export oriented knit wear factory, we are able to provide our European and Canadian buyers with GSP Certificates, with which they can avail duty benefits.
We are regularly Selling: tshirts, tank top tshirts, roll neckmock neck tshirts, ladies knit wear, polo shirts, pyjama sets, sleep wear, fleece tshirts, girls tshirts. |