Boost your Sales and Attract New Customers
To attain and sustain success in today’s dynamic business environment, it’s no longer enough to be good at just one type of marketing. While you may already be making money using just one marketing channel (like direct mail, e-mail, or print ads), expanding into additional methods will help you attract prospective customers and increase your business’s potential revenue. The fact is, if you’re only marketing one way, you’re likely leaving millions on the table and in danger of losing the customers you already have. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, “Boost your Sales and Attract New Customers†offer you a detailed look at over 50 of today’s most important marketing channels–explaining how each one works. Page by page, you’ll become familiar with a variety of approaches, including direct online marketing, public relations, joint ventures and more. Visit my website to download your free copy. We are regularly Selling: alernative energy books, business books, marketing advertising books, recruitment books, weight loss books. We are regularly Buying: alternative energy magazines, business startups books, health and food, health weight, marketing advertising books, recruitment guides, weight loss books. |