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TendersInfo is the largest and most comprehensive database of International Tenders, Projects, RFP's, Contracts from Multilateral Funding Agencies, Federal, State, County Government, Utilities Sector, Hospitals, Schools, Ports, NGO's, Defense Forces etc. You can be certain of the Comprehensiveness and Reliability of our website by looking over our clients testimonials and also the list of clients and the tenders covered by the Multi lateral Funding Agencies which you will receive in the free trial. We cater to 5000 plus customers ranging from Fortune 500 companies to small firms around the world. We are an infomediary and consulting company in Public Procurement Domain. TendersInfo not only covers Tenders from Multi lateral funding agencies but also we cover Self Funded projects. We cover more than 150+ funding agencies.
As a member you become eligible to use the services of TendersInfo’s Bid Consulting Services to bid for tenders around the world to enable you to secure new contracts. You will be provided assistance in bidding for tenders in 42+ different countries with the help of TendersInfo’s global network of associates. |
Middle East B2B Directory Tip: We always strongly recommend our members to strictly follow the traditional methods and rules of international trading before going into any deal with any party met over the internet. Such as getting prior company confirmation by phone, fax or by mail besides necessary cross checks done through the related local bodies like banks, chambers of commerce, related trade associations, etc. especially before realizing any money transaction. |
Contact Person: |
Mamata Awarade |
Job Title: |
Sr. Bde |
Location: |
India - Maharashtra Companies from India Trade Leads from India Products from India |
Classification(s): | Services - Business Services |
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