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Company - Description |
No Logo | Ina India Limited M/s. INA INDIA LIMITED is a incorporated
Limited company under companies act
1956. The Registered office of the
company will be situated in the National
Capital Territory of Delhi. The company has
engaged in the Chemical Manu... Member since 12 August, 2013, India - Karnataka | | | No Logo | Intermediate Petrochemicals Industries co. The company was establishe to serve the transformation industry in the local Jordanian market and the surroundig markets such as Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and the gulf countries. the paid up capita is approximately U S $ 10 millions
Currently w... Member since 10 January, 2009, Jordan - Az Zarqa' | Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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