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No Logo | Special Security Defence Service
SSDS offers an extensive range of pre-emptive and responsive security measures and policies to help mitigate geopolitical upheaval and to counter fraud, corruption, terrorism and organised crime: •Communications and intelligence
â... We are regularly Selling: risk management, close protection, risk assesments, security training, convoy security, security consulting, communications and intelligence, media related security and advisory services, medical logistical and security for eod and humanitarian support a. Member since 10 November, 2007, UK - South East of England | Primary Business Type(s): Agent Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | | Axum Defense - Division Internationale International high security, working in supports of companies and humanitarian organizations We are regularly Selling: protection of mining oil humanitarian site defense, training police and army, close protection, bodyguard, humanitarian support, defense logistics, quality control gold and other precious substances, protection and accompaniment against piracies. Member since 13 September, 2010, France - Languedoc-Roussillon | | |
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