No Logo | African Herbal Remedies African Herbal Remedies manufactures and distributes traditional alternative herbal remedies to suppliers and wholesalers, retailing throughout africa and europe. Our product range is easily recognisable and accepted by african culture, which has be... We are regularly Selling: fire bark teabangalala root - vusa-nkunzi trad african herbal tonic, enyamazane available in 6 colours, specil mpepo - powerful blend of incense for prayer and meditation, imbhisa diphio - trad herb mix to purify blod and restore energy, sifazonke mpupu - herb blend for kidneysback-acheconstipation, intindile lucky bead nlaces -hollowed outtwo mkoka money seed inside, phalaza-gapa - lucky trad mix itshe abelungu for romance luck etc, doepa pouches -baby comforter contains doepacamphor ward off evil, itshe abelungu wenhlanhla - highly perfumed bath salts bright colours. Member since 3 May, 2010, South Africa - KwaZulu-Natal |