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 | Bademosi Motor Group. (BMGAUTO) We are an Automobile Manufacturing and Assembly company Located in Nigeria West Africa, Esteblished in Year 2000. Our factory is Located in Ondo City, Ondo State Nigeria. We are regularly Selling: pickup trucks, sedan cars, light trucks 1-10 tons, tractor trailers, refrigerated trucks and vans, mini bus, city buses, luxury buses, lorries tipper construction heavy duty equipmentsearth moving equip. Member since 19 May, 2010, Nigeria - Lagos | | | No Logo | Bus Corporation We (Urban Bus Corporation Union & Iran Municipalities & Rural Management Organization) have 25000 inter cityBus units which are active in all around of Iran. We have 25000 benz units which have bought them from internal companies which have Benz-Sca... We are regularly Selling: mini bus, inter bus, van. Member since 20 July, 2010, Iran - Tehran | Primary Business Type(s): Buying Office Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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