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No Logo | Antesky Inc. ANTESKY SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INC. is a specialized company engaged in the design and manufacture of satellite communication earth station antenna and relevant servo equipments, and radar telemetry and telemonitor antenna servo sub-system. We have a sel... We are regularly Selling: c band antenna, earth station antenna, ku band antenna, rx antenna, satellite antenna, vsat antenna, rx only antenna, tvro antenna, sng antenna. Member since 7 January, 2010, China - Shaanxi | | | | Antesky Science Technolgy Inc. ANTESKY SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INC. is a specialized company engaged in the design and manufacture of satellite communication earth station antenna and relevant servo equipments, and radar telemetry and telemonitor antenna servo sub-system. We have a sel... We are regularly Selling: earth antenna, earth station antenna, rx antenna, rx only antenna, flyaway antenna, satellite dish antenna, sng antenna, tvro antenna, vsat antenna. Member since 25 November, 2008, China - Shaanxi | | |
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